Wristlet Keychains – Simple, Colorful, and Versatile – Now Available!

I like to keep things relatively simple for myself, as I’m sure most people do. I like keeping my hands free (at least free-er), and I don’t like spending a long amount of time looking for anything that I use on the regular. Enter, these colorful wristlet keychains! I first received a wristlet similar to …

Sunshine Macchiato Etsy Shop is Now OPEN!

Hello and Welcome back to The Sunshine Macchiato! Today I have some news that is incredibly exciting to me, and I hope you enjoy it as well! I have officially launched the Sunshine Macchiato’s Etsy shop! Go ahead and check it out! I’ve also launched the SM’s Facebook page (go Like and Follow!), and Instagram …

How to Finish Old Projects That You Lost Interest In

How many old projects have you started, but then they ended up forgotten in a box, your stash, your closet, or under your bed? If you were to ask me, I probably have in the ballpark of around 10 unfinished knitting or crochet projects. That is not counting any of my sewing projects, or the …

Panda Pillow

Hey all! This appears to be one of those free pattern blog posts that have a story beforehand. I promise I’ll keep it short though, okay? Okay. 🙂 I’ve been knitting and crocheting since I was a kid. You know what else I’ve loved since I was a kid? Pandas. I picked up some super …